Some randomness:
- When I was in the shower this morning I decided that my day wouldn't be complete without listening to
It Still Moves, something that happens about once a month. Something else that also happens about once a month: I realize that the only reason I like
My Morning Jacket is because their live show is so awesome and really wish they had a good live album.
- On the way home from work, I saw a damn good OOC schedule's worth of alumni/bumper stickers, including Wisconsin, Clemson, and Va. Tech.
- Does it make me a girl that the first thing I thought upon seeing the Clemson sticker was "there is no WAY I would ever coach at Clemson, those uniforms are UUUUGLY!"?
- The NFL pre-season is only five weeks away! Sweet, inconsequential NFL action to tide me over 'til the start of the college season!
The McWane Center is supposed to be showing Superman Returns in it's IMAX theater next month. Or at least I think it is. I seem to recall reading that somewhere. So if it does, that should be awesome.