Recipe Time Again
Since I feel stupid posting recipes over on Roll Bama Roll, I'll still do that here. I've actually gotten back to cooking more (Mom got me an awesome crockpot for Christmas, so I've got that going for me) and have a crazy scheme to make next year a "52 Chilis in 52 Weeks" affair, so maybe I'll be posting up some good stuff. Or maybe I'll do three and go back to talking about Alabama football all the time again. Anywho, here's one for "Taco Bean Soup" that I got out of the paper a long time ago. It's something that a local pub that has since closed down was known for, so I'm glad I found the little newspaper clipping that I'd been holding onto forever.
Taco Bean Soup
3 lbs hamburger meat, browned
2 green bell pepers, diced and grilled
1 large yellow onion, diced, sauteed in virgin olive oil
3 packets taco seasoning
2 small cans black beans
2 small cans kidney beans
2 small cans pinto beans
2 small cans red beans
2 16 oz cans tomato sauce
2 16 oz cans whole yellow kernel corn
2 14.5 oz cans diced tomatoes
2 tbs pepper
1 tbs salt
2 cups water
Saute onions and bell peppers in virgin olive oil.
Add onions and bells peppers to meat as it browns.
Stir in taco seasoning.
Stir in cans of beans (Note: Do not drain the canned beans; use the liquid).
Add tomato sauce, corn, diced tomatoes, salt, pepper and water.
Simmer, about two hours.
(Note: "Small" cans of beans typically have 15.5 or 16 ounces per can.)
I actually cut that in half because the recipe makes a ridiculously large amount (though I did use 2lbs of meat and 2 taco seasoning packets, so not strictly in half).
Taco Bean Soup
3 lbs hamburger meat, browned
2 green bell pepers, diced and grilled
1 large yellow onion, diced, sauteed in virgin olive oil
3 packets taco seasoning
2 small cans black beans
2 small cans kidney beans
2 small cans pinto beans
2 small cans red beans
2 16 oz cans tomato sauce
2 16 oz cans whole yellow kernel corn
2 14.5 oz cans diced tomatoes
2 tbs pepper
1 tbs salt
2 cups water
Saute onions and bell peppers in virgin olive oil.
Add onions and bells peppers to meat as it browns.
Stir in taco seasoning.
Stir in cans of beans (Note: Do not drain the canned beans; use the liquid).
Add tomato sauce, corn, diced tomatoes, salt, pepper and water.
Simmer, about two hours.
(Note: "Small" cans of beans typically have 15.5 or 16 ounces per can.)
I actually cut that in half because the recipe makes a ridiculously large amount (though I did use 2lbs of meat and 2 taco seasoning packets, so not strictly in half).
Todd! Welcome back!! Glad to see yu posting food recipes again. I always like to see your food and the few recipes of yours I've tried have been very good.
1: 酒店打工小姐們如何判斷自己適合在什麼的店呢?誠懇面對自己外型條件吧(外表是可以調整的)這行是以外型取勝!(當然沒有人願意犧牲啊),任何一份工作都有它辛苦的面何況高收入的八大行業。
2: 酒店兼差一週可以上幾天班? 能配合哪個時間打卡上班? 是否有門禁問題?
3: 酒店工作和白天工作一樣!目標是一樣的就是【賺錢】都是要花固定的時間來上班(如:服裝、髮妝、談吐、氣質)把最好的展現出來。上班天數多寡,當然取決於妳的收入。
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