Since 16 Horsepower (wasn't that a band?) called me out on not doing reviews yesterday, here's your updated version.
The Real Blonde. Again, Dennis Leary is the exception that proves the "All Indie Comedies Suck" rule. Plus, look at this cast:
Bridgette Wilson-Sampras, so hot, want to touch the heiny.
Catherine Keener.
Christopher Lloyd.
Daryl Hannah. Pre-Comedy Central
Dave Chappelle.
Dennis Leary.
Elizabeth Berkley (remember that Newsradio where Jimmy was going over the reasons he had dumped some people off his wife candidate list and he says "...and I found out that sweet girl from Saved by the Bell did a dirty movie."? Remember that? That was awesome).
Kathleen Turner when she could still pass as a woman instead of Chandler's drag queen dad. Seriously, she used to be gorgeous, have you seen
Body Heat?
Marlo Thomas, yet another Friend's parent. Something fishy is going on here.
Matthew Modine, an all star "that guy".
Steve Buscemi, the other exception to the indie comedies suck rule. There's just no way this could have been bad.
Bride of Re-Animator. Still, too much gore. I get how the Re-Animator series could have a cult following, but I'm not ready for the Kool Aid just yet.
The 40-Year-Old Virgin. In honor of Brick Tamland's defeat of the Evil Genius. It didn't really live up to the hype, but only because I had just watched said defeat with a guy who couldn't stop carrying on about how incredibly funny it was and how I HAD to see it. It was in fact, hysterically funny. Funnier was the fact that two little old ladies (one of them had a cane, people) entered into the theater and the few of us youngsters looked at them like "oh crap, this is not a movie they should see" but the little old ladies wound up laughing harder than anyone. On the way out I was right behind them and they were still laughing and one of them said "oh, that was cute!" Little old ladies. Awesome.
The Constant Gardener. I would probably like the book better on this one. Probably I just wasn't in the mood for a very deliberate, slow developing,
HOT INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL INTIGUE ACTION! kind of movie at the time. It was good though, if you like that sort of thing, which I usually do. Like I say, probably just wasn't really in the mood for that kind of picture.
Lord of War. I did like this one though. Reminded me a lot of
Blow at times, but much better.
Red Eye. I probably would have liked this more if there hadn't been a FUCKING CRICKET IN THE THEATER CHIRPING ITS HEAD OFF THROUGH THE ENTIRE DAMN MOVIE TO THE POINT WHERE IT WAS ALL I COULD HEAR AND WANTED IT DEAD AND DEAD AND DEAD UNTIL IT WAS COMPLETELY DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD. That was Part the Second of why I was so pissed off when I got home last night. Part the First involves worlds colliding and the death of Independent Todd, which I found out about right before the movie. So I actually probably wouldn't have cared about the Cricket, except that I was already mad and it just stoked the flames. Oh, but that Cricket. If I ever meet him I'll dip is little green ass in chocolate and mail him to wherever it is that that's considered a delicacy.