This has not been the best of days. I watched most of
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (#171) when I woke up this morning and then went to work for a few hours, finishing it when I got home. It was all right, but it was more of an actor's movie than anything. Everyone got to go around and act the crap out of their parts and I get the feeling that making it was probably more fun than watching it. There was nothing wrong with it, but it was just one of those movies where everything is all about moodiness and atmosphere and
acting that it just didn't turn out to much. Then I decided to move on with
The Matrix Revolutions (#172), and boy was that a mistake. I wasn't 20 minutes in when I was deep asleep for a good five hours, and when I woke up the will to watch anything, much less the rest of The Matrix Revolutions, was totally drained from me so I went to a party instead and waited until I got home to finish. And man did I hate it. I've gone on the record saying that I have no problem with shallow action pictures or big budget sci-fi special effects extravaganzas, but there is nothing I hate more than one of those kinds of movies masquerading as a "you know, it's really deep if you think about it" kind of movie. I'll watch
Total Recall a million times before I'll ever see one of these again because as shallow and silly as it is, it isn't trying to be anything more than a good action/sci-fi picture. I'm sure some jackass matrix disciple is going to find this and send me all kinds of hate mail and tell all of his trenchcoat mafia jackass friends about it and they will too because that already happened when I wrote a review on Amazon saying this exact thing, but I could really care less. And that's another thing! I can understand getting all worked up over religion and politics and arguing about that, but when The Matrix is all you have to hold on to? Open up both wrists partner, cause you might as well quit wasting air. A very bitter 172 down, 828 to go.