Tuesday, October 04, 2005


762) Paycheck. Not as bad as everyone thought, if only for the performances of the supporting cast. Affleck was lame/terrible and I can't stand Uma Thurman, but the rest of the cast was good and the action was fun to watch (it is a John Woo picture after all). Not really that good, but not awful either. So whatever.

762 down, 238 to go.

- "Dear Netflix, welcome to dumpsville, population you." Netflix was supposed to send me The Honeymoon Killers but instead I got Below, which I have already seen this year! They are back to their old frustrating tricks with the sending of wrong discs, waiting an extra day to ship, etc. and I think after this month they'll be dumped again. I mostly signed back up to get all the Hitchcock movies and more obscure stuff that they don't have at Blockbuster anyway and I've done that.


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