Thursday, January 27, 2005


As I suspected, not much got done tonight. I've been feeling a little sick all week, but I promised Sarah I'd make mexican lasagna and come see her so I sucked it up, got to cooking and made the arduous trek to Calera, stopping several times along the way thinking that I might very well be preparing to throw up all over my steering wheel. The vomiting never happened, but it took me forever to get there what with all the pulling over and everything, but I got there, we ate, I helped her dad hook up their new TV and her mom made an absolutely delicious Peanut Butter Pie, so everything worked out pretty well. I didn't get to see The OC, but I recorded it so I'll watch it this weekend. I started The Trouble With Harry while I was cooking and I'm going to try to finish it before I fall asleep, but I'm not giving it much hope. Curses!


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