Friday, March 04, 2005


169) Cradle 2 the Grave. Pretty formulaic action picture, right down to the terrible one liners and comic relief by Tom Arnold. Still, the fight and stunt sequences were well done and the strip tease by Gabrielle Union was pretty damn hot. My only real sticking point is DMX's performance. He was so good in Never Die Alone that I expected more, but he wasn't very good at all in this.

170) Head of State. I can't believe I'm about to say that a movie starring both Chris Rock and Bernie Mac sucked, but here I go. A movie starring both Chris Rock and Bernie Mac sucked. Big time. The whole crazy Robin Givens/Security joke showed flashes of Pootie Tang, but overall it just wasn't funny. I was quite disappointed.

170 down, 830 to go.


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