Friday, February 17, 2006

$20 bounty for the heads of the editorial staff of Time!

Brothers, again we are faced with blashpemy and the iniquitous slander of our one true Coach, may his name be greeted with blessings and salutations! The reasonable and righteous clerics and scholars of The Alabamaban have convened a council concerning these images that have so gravely offended our religion, and have decided that whosoever insults The Bear deserves to be killed and whoever will take these evil men shall earn this prize. I personally offer $5 and a Matchbox Camaro while the local Bama Fever has offered a gift certificate for an additional $20 worth of Alabama merchandise, may our blessed Coach show them favoritism in their generosity! Bearu Ahkbar, in all things may he be praised!

This is getting too easy...


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