Thursday, July 21, 2005


548) Ice Princess. Shut up.

549) Last Man Standing. Update of Yojimbo which, if you want to ape a plot, that's a good one to choose. However you should also stick with that plot. The different ending and the "good guy-inization" of Bruce Willis's character took away from the movie and Willis himself played it too serious. Mifune (and Eastwood in A Fistful of Dollars) played the role with a sort of bemused detachment that fit the character more. Willis was just too emotionless. Whatever.

550) Man of the House. Hot girls in sassy outfits. That's about all there is to recommend this one.

550 down, 450 to go.

Looks like I'm getting cut. The real doctor saw me today and within five minutes had me figured out. My knee cap is way off track (like, almost on the side of my leg) when I bend my leg and it's tearing into the ligaments underneath causing a huge build up of scar tissue and that's making the problem worse every day. Unfortunately I won't be able to have surgery until August 19th because he's booked up and I'll have to have time to do a bunch of crazy exercises to build up my leg muscles so I won't have to go through a long rehab. Good news is I'll be on crutches for a few days, will have to take it easy for about a month and come back in to have fluid drained (ew) a few times but basically once the surgery is done I'm good as new. Sort of bad news is that he checked my right knee and it isn't as bad as the left but the same problems are there and it will probably have to be worked on a few years down the road. Oh well, at least I know what's going on now and can quit worrying that I'm going to need a whole new knee or something (though I'm still pretty enamored of the idea of being "more machine than man now, twisted and evil"). Also sort of bad news, I have jury duty next week and I was really hoping I could get the surgery done then to get out of it, but no such luck. Curses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jury Duty Rocks!!!

8:29 PM  

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