Wednesday, July 13, 2005


516) Too Late for Tears. The print on this one sucked and the audio/video synch was way off so that was annoying, but the story was good.

517) Kissin' Cousins. This movie game me a great idea. If there really are a bunch of hillbilly hotties roaming the mountains of East Tennessee looking for men, why don't all the eligible bachelors of the SEC head up there and breed out all the UT fans?

518) The Brother From Another Planet. Whoever cast Mos Def as Ford Prefect must have never seen this. Joe Morton would have been perfect.

519) Romeo Must Die. Murder and extortion in order to build the Raiders a stadium in Oakland? Sounds about right.

519 down, 481 to go.

So. Knee is fucked. Appointment tomorrow at 2:30 so the doctor can tell me I'll have to have surgery again. On the one hand, days and days of movies here I come. On the other, I don't have time for this shit. FUCK.


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