Thursday, May 19, 2005


380) Angel Heart. I've always seen this in the video store but I've never heard anything about it or known anyone who has seen it so I imagined that it probably sucked and avoided it...UNTIL NOW! It popped up on the Somewhere in the Night recommended neo-noir list so I figured I'd give it a shot, and it actually turned out to be pretty good. Mickey Rourke actually turned in an excellent performance, playing the typical "in over his head but can't get out" noir lead to perfection, and the whole voodoo angle and "twist" ending made the story intriguing. I wouldn't buy it or anything (knowing the ending makes watching it again pointless), but I'd recommend it.

380 down, 620 to go.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Why did I have to get into this stupid show. I'm going to kill Holley and Jolley for this. So my revulsion/disgust for Marisa has turned into attraction over the last few episodes, and the shooting? SO HOT FOR HER NOW. I hate myself. Anyway all of my stories (save Desperate Housewives) are done for the season and I'm completely relieved because I will be needing some serious time to play catch up on the count. This working late every night is killing me.


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