Sunday, February 13, 2005


122) Garage Days. A little too fluffy, and the "clever" directorial touches were just a little too precious for my tastes. Decent enough I guess, but nothing special.

123) Donovan's Reef. I know this is set in French Polynesia and all, but the whole time I was watching it I couldn't help but think "man, I have got to move to Fiji!" Anyway, another lightweight comedy, but this one doesn't try so hard. Amiable fun, and Lee Marvin is a total freakshow so I enjoyed it.

124) The Awakening. Kind of felt like a low rent Exorcist, all "Is she cursed by the Mummy or isn't she?" when she clearly is. There are some genuinely creepy moments and the ever dependable Chuck Heston is right on, so I guess we're straight.

125) Laws of Attraction. I would crawl across broken glass for Julianne Moore, so trust me when I say watching a silly romantic comedy is no sacrifice! And her in nothing but a man's dress shirt has broken the top ten on my list of hottest things I've ever seen in a movie. Plus, I'm a fucking girl which means I tend to like romantic comedies. Sometimes I hate myself.

125 down, 875 to go.

Impending Despair Update: Oh please oh please oh please oh please don't let it be Marcia! I am so in love with Bree right now...

Continued Despair Update: Could the Simpsons suck more? I mean, if I started maybe chipping in some money to Fox, could they use it to hire some crappier writers? I just want to know, cause it seems like things are going to have to get worse before they get better, since they obviously AREN'T GETTING BETTER. According to Van a lot of the writers now aren't actually TV writers but stand up comics, and if you think you can get a stand up comic that obviously can't pay the bills on his stand up abilities alone to write a half hour's worth of good material you are sorely mistaken my friend. There should be odds in Vegas where you can bet on whether or not next week's episode is going to be worse than this week's. You could just bet "suck more" and totally clean up! I'm bitter, here! BITTER!

Different Continued Despair Update: I still can't find my Supertramp CD and I'm far too stubborn to just go buy another copy because the case IS RIGHT THERE ON MY BOOKSHELF SO OBVIOUSLY THE CD HAS TO BE SOMEWHERE!


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