Wednesday, February 02, 2005


One month down, eleven to go!

89) Affair With a Stranger. I really liked the idea of telling the story of a marriage through the recollections of their friends, and Jean Simmons was the raven haired picture of feminine grace and sensual modesty, but I HATE Victor Mature so it's kind of a wash.

90) Escape From L.A. Oh John Carpenter. Why couldn't you have waited 5 or 6 years to make this? Then you could have gone on all the talk shows and spun a lot of BS about it being a terrifying vision of the American future under the tyrannical leadership of the illegitimate BushCo neocon junta and made Michael Moore kind of money off of gullible leftist conspiracy theorists who would have hailed it as a true masterpiece and enshrined it right along side Fahrenheit 9/11 as the damning evidence they need to prove that once and for all Republicans are fascists, but instead you released it during the Clinton administration when Americans were so disgusted by politics and the national leadership that they just couldn't care anymore and subsequently remained merely a legend in the world of horror and science fiction. Timing, John. Timing. But for real, watching this I was completely amazed. It's like Carpenter took a bunch of posts from and the Democratic Underground and turned it into a script. Except it was released ten years ago! Does he have a time machine? If so, can I use it? Cause man, that would be freaking awesome!

90 down, 910 to go.

TV Related Aside: Curse you Sophia Bush! Why did you have to be all cute and funny in your little crab costume on the commercials and suck me right back in after I swore I wouldn't watch One Tree Hill again? WHY?


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