Sunday, May 01, 2005


336) Man of the West. And then a special bonus western! There were shades of Peckinpah in this, all "manhood comes from the control and judicious use of the violence inside all men." A little too talky at times, but still worth it. It's a western, after all.

337) Alfie. I'm pretty sure I'll never see the Jude Law remake, but just in case I get desperate I figured I'd watch the original first. I wasn't really sure what to make of it until I had thought about it for awhile. On the one hand you have Caine as the lovable rogue and it's all very witty and charming, but then they take the bold step of showing the consequences of such a life in a way that isn't at all sympathetic and shows the kind of moral character (or more appropriately the lack thereof) necessary to lead such an existence. I was also struck by how easy it would have been to turn it into an Antonioni like exploration of motivation and the soul. He probably would have made it all about the "isolation" of Alfie's life despite his sexual adventurism and how that loneliness is both the cause and result of his behavior, but instead it turns out as more of a cautionary tale ending with Alfie's knowledge that he needs to change to be happy but leaving us wondering if he can or will. Overall I think it was worth watching. Maybe I'll see the Jude Law one after all.

338) A Cinderella Story. Can't get enough of that Hillary Duff...

339) House of Sand and Fog. And the moral of the story? Taxation and the bloated governmental bureaucracy it supports not only ruins lives, it kills!

339 down, 661 to go.

So is Scientology really just a great way to scam hot chicks? I mean, Nicole Kidman is more beautiful than any woman has a right to be, Penelope Cruz is totally gorgeous, and even though Holmes isn't exactly my cup of tea I can see how so many others would consider her hot, so how is it that they are all getting mixed up with this crazy cult and it's most famous proponent?! Do they teach you some sort of crazy hot chick hypnotizing secret there? Cause if they do then pass the Dianetics and Lindsay Lohan's shooting schedule...


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