Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Words cannot express my utter disgust with daylight saving's time. I didn't sleep for shit last night and kept waking up all confused about the time and today has sucked and now I'm tired as hell and since I fell asleep in the middle of Ugetsu it took forever to watch it and now I won't sleep well again tonight and I hate daylight saving's time and I hope it dies! DIES! ANGER!!!!

271) Ugetsu. I don't know about one of the greatest films ever made. There were several times when all I could think was "sweet Godzilla, can we please advance the story for a little while?", there are least three Kurosawa's alone that are way better than this and that's just Japanese cinema, and the whole ghost angle was just weird. The beginning was great, but by about the one hour mark it started getting strange and then all of a sudden it was like everything was tied up a little too conveniently and very abruptly. I got the point, but it left me very disatisfied. Whatever.

272) Northfork. I'm usually of the opinion that anything with James Woods can't be that bad so even though this sounded kind of weird I decided to give it a shot and I'm glad I did. It was, in fact, kind of weird and quite fantastic but it was also engaging and I found myself really involved in the storyline. Weird, but totally worth it.

272 down, 728 to go.


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