Monday, April 04, 2005


...and if your head explodes from dark forebodings too...

Do you know how much I hate daylight saving's time? Do you really? Because I really hate it and I doubt you can know the depths of my hatred. Many have seen the shallow waters of my hatred, a select few have glimpsed the terrors waiting a few more yards off shore, and even fewer still have witnessed the horror that lay just beyond the continental shelf, but none have seen the evil that lies in the unfathomable deep where my hatred for daylight saving's time resides. I had a whole long entry on it and all of the many individual hatreds I developed on my way to work this morning that included a delightful anecdote about a mysterious white Corolla that never seemed to go more than 20 MPH but kept appearing ahead of me (it even involved a clever Back to the Future II reference) and the strange case of the Pontiac Bonneville with neither a rear or front windshield, but then blogger screwed it all up and it's now lost and so my hatred for Blogger also burns in the evil depths of my hatred like the bioluminescent bulb of a deep sea fish. It's all daylight savings time's fault! If I ever meet Ben Franklin I am so going to kick his ass for coming up with such a stupid idea.

268) The Barbarian and the Geisha. I did finish it last night and it was a good historical drama. I'm pretty sure John Huston liked movies like this so he could shoot on location and get paid for taking exotic vacations.

269) Shock Treatment. This was so wild! Why is it not on DVD? I would totally buy it! Definetely a studio B picture that was supposed to be all shocking and scandalous but it just turned out AWESOME! And Carol Lynley was absolutely gorgeous so that's just one more plus.

270) Panic in the Streets. I kind of feel obligated to like Elia Kazan for naming names before the HUAC. I mean, fuck the commies. But more than that this was an excellent picture and one more off the film noir list so it's a win win.

270 down, 730 to go.

Random Thoughts:
1) Jiminy Freaking Christmas, what the hell is wrong with the French?

2) Possible candidates for next year's grand undertaking include: Learning Russian, remaining indoors for an entire year, and building a sailboat. I'm pretty sure I'll be learning Russian.

3) I thought trying to watch 1000 movies was an ill conceived plan but it's the acme of sanity compared to the stupid idea of not cutting my hair for six months. It's driving me crazy and I almost took my pocket knife to it today. I don't know how I'm going to make it to July. On the plus side though, when I get out of the shower and slick it back I totally look like a serial killer.

4) Johnny English, you magnificent bastard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you be agreeable to my grand scheme of having only daylight savings time? Then there would be no time change to send you off the deep end AND we'd get more sunlight all year round!

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think you hate your hair? We are the ones that have to look at it...I say poor us...

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do you hate daylight savings time?

10:06 PM  
Blogger Todd Jones said...

i'm totally going to cut off comments unless you chickens start at least signing your names. 1st comment: no, i would not be agreeable to that plan. i hate sunlight and hold most of nature in utter contempt. 2nd comment: then don't look at it. 3rd comment: because only weird things happen during the first week of daylight savings time, and then when we switch back weird things happen! every freaking year!

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I havn't ever signed my name on my comments why would I start now?

10:43 AM  
Blogger Todd Jones said...

cause i said so...duh.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Todd Jones said...

yeah. you showed me. i've totally learned my lesson. you filthy stinking whore.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judging by your oh so magnificant rebuttal, I bet you think that Namey Namerson is Robin, but its not.

8:12 AM  
Blogger Todd Jones said...

you don't have to be robin to be a filthy stinking whore. i've known many filthy stinking whores in my day, and robin is just one of them.

9:11 AM  

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