Monday, August 22, 2005


642) Baadasssss!. As I suspected, the story behind the movie was far more interesting than the movie itself. Getting Sweet Sweetback's Baadassss Song made was truly an accomplishment even if the finished product wasn't. Plus, without it there would have been no Dolemite and that's just not a world I'd want to live in.

643) Lolita. I forgot Kubrick directed this, so I still have to see Barry Lyndon and that will be all for him. I'm in kind of a bind with this one. If I say I enjoyed it then Robin and Jana and all the other bitches will be all "gee, wonder why" and if I say I don't then Robin and Jana and all the other bitches will be all "whatever, you liked it because you're a dirty old man too" so I can't win either way. But if that's the case, then screw it. I liked it. Now shut your whore mouthes.

644) Jamaica Inn. This sure made me thankful that Hitchcock moved to Hollywood where he had the talent and resources available to make masterpieces. This wasn't all that bad, it did show the potential that he would later fully realize, but it wasn't all that great in and of itself.

645) Holes. This was a kids movie? Because I found it hard to sit through two hours of the one of the boringest movies ever as a grown up. There is no way little kids could stomach it.

645 down, 355 to go.

Progress! I cowboyed up this morning and set the crutches aside. Putting my full weight on is still an issue but I'm hobbling pretty good and managed to go downstairs to get the mail and take the trash out without a lot of trouble and have started some of the bending exercises. Bending hurts like a bitch, but I can almost sit upright on the couch or in a chair and bend down enough to be comfortable so hopefully in the next few days I'll get some more range of motion. It's still swollen to the size of a grapefruit, but it's not nearly as tender. The front of the knee cap where the surgery actually was is still very tender to the touch, but the rest is fine unless it's just being prodded. On the downside, I'm about out of the really good pain pills and will have to switch to the not so good kind. Hopefully they will still be able to control the pain as well as the others and not put me dead to sleep. Seriously, it took me from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm to watch Lolita because I couldn't keep my eyes open and I also fell asleep during Jamaica Inn and dragged it out to three hours. I skipped the seven o'clock pill to stay awake and I'm really starting to feel it now so I'm going to pop it and go to bed.

In other news, damn the Americans and their cultural imperialism!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, since when are you trying to escape your dirty old man label...? We all know you are one, well actually we all know you are a dirty, heartless, old man.

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really appreciate people like you who take their chance in such an excellent way to give an impression on certain topics. Thanks for having me here.

9:45 AM  

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