Thursday, January 06, 2005



So for real, yeah I watched The OC last night. I'm not proud. I started watching them because I always have to tape them for people and I absolutely hated it and couldn't figure out the appeal, and then came Lindsay. So in love. Other than her, Kirsten is the only character I can even stand. The rest? Hatred. Shut up Seth. Shut Up Ryan. Shut up guy with the freaking huge eyebrows. Shut up slutty mom (though I am totally hot for her in a "totally hot for slutty moms" kind of way). Shut up guy living on a boat. Shut up Marisa. Shut up AND put a bag over your head Marisa's friend who's name is a season that I can't ever remember (Summer? Autumn? One of those). I hate you all!

19) Murder My Sweet. One of Van's professors wrote Somewhere in the Night, and I tried my best to read it despite it being one of those dry and academic accounts of something that's pretty exciting. It does, however, contain a very useful list of noir movies that I'm sure I'll be taking advantage of. I've already seen a lot of the majors (Maltese Falcon, Rififi, Touch of Evil, The Killers, etc.) but the minor noirs are usually the ones that have the best stories. Even though I enjoyed this one while I was watching it, it suffered from the same fate as most of the detective movies in general, and Marlowe movies specifically, in that I don't really remember a lot of the details now that I've watched something else. Private detective, someone gets killed, there's a tough dame (or two) and a couple of tougher guys and there's some sort of enigmatically named object they are all trying to find. That's about all I remember, but that's also about all I remember from The Maltese Falcon, so whatever. I'll watch more, but they'll just run in with the others.

20) The Transporter. Save The Professional, Luc Besson has always been style over substance, so I was certain the Transporter would be one of those half baked storylines who's only purpose is to show a lot of action and stuff blowing up real good. I didn't also figure there would be so many contrived ways of showing Eric Statham with his shirt off, but that's what I got. I hope he got payed a ton of money for playing the dumb action hero after he played the clever guy in both Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch.

21) Wrong Turn. So the mountains of West Virginia are filled with inbred, cannibal hillbillies. So that's how Robert Byrd keeps getting sent back to the senate. ZING! Anyway, the plot to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre now has two copycats in the past few years (three if you want to count the remake, which wasn't as bad as everyone said, but why mess with success?) House of 1000 Corpses sucked, and disappointingly so because I had really high hopes for it at least being a so bad it's good kind of movie. Instead it was just bad. At least Wrong Turn knows it's a cheap scare for the teen market and doesn't try to be some sort of Auteur's vision of a horror masterpiece (take notes Rob Zombie). Plus, Eliza Dushku makes me want to La La. YES! I finally got to use that! It was also only 1 hour 20 minutes, so it was a pretty quick watch and kept a quick pace the whole time without resorting to a bunch of gore for gore's sake holding us up. Get them into the woods, get them chased, get some of them killed, and get the rest out (more notes for you Mr. Zombie). Nothing special, but I enjoyed it.

21 down, 979 to go.


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