Monday, September 26, 2005


746) Out of Time. I don't know why Florida isn't used more in movies. The setting really lends itself to the crime genre in particular. This, Body Heat, Wild Things, and Palmetto all use the heat and semi-exotic setting to beautiful effect. You'd think there'd be a whole Florida subgenre when it comes to crime/noir pictures. Plus I'd give up a finger for Eva Mendes. Seriously.

747) My Own Private Idaho. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKEEEEEEDDDDDD. So bad it sapped my will to live. I hate you, Gus Van Sant.

746 down, 254 to go.

- I went back to the doctor today to have x-rays done and make sure everything is straight with my knee (thankfully everything is, so I've got about two more years before they get to cut the right knee), and while I was waiting to have my x-rays done a nurse comes in and asks a man with a clearly artificial leg which knee he needs x-rayed. He tapped the real leg and said "probably this one" and she turned bright red and then he laughed his ass off. Also, there were two gossipy old ladies sitting next to me the whole time. And when I say gossipy, I mean it. There were at least thirty different people that they discussed and found lacking, and I learned that if an old woman tells you it's not her place to say something, she's still going to say it.


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