Tuesday, October 18, 2005


790) The Stepford Wives. A few thoughts:
- Glenn Close = Barf.
- Matthew Broderick peaked with Ferris Bueller. He needs to go away and let us remember him fondly. And before you all start in with "But Election...", corpses move from time to time. It's called gas.
- As much as I enjoy any chance to watch Nicole Kidman, she really wasn't a good fit in this movie. Something about her seemed wrong, and she didn't really put a lot into the role. I'm sure it was just a paycheck role for her, but still...
- Jon Lovitz should be given some sort of medal for his valiant attempts at making this movie worth watching.

791) A Lot Like Love. Sarah's been carrying on about wanting to see this for awhile now, so I got it and took it over to her place. I thought it would be terrible, but it turned out to be reasonably funny. So guys, if you need a good chick flick, this is one you won't feel dirty about watching.

791 down, 209 to go.


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